
Terms and conditions decided for this online site 12 month loans have their own significance and thus should be referred by the borrower who is ready to access this site. Ours is a loan comparison portal that will help the borrower to contact efficient lenders for loans easily via this online medium. So, it is important that the borrower must know the rules defined to administer browsing of this site by him or her.

Terms and conditions meant for 12 month loans are not only should be acknowledged by you but also should be understood by you. No matter if you continue to browse this site even recognizing these rules this will be considered as your agreement to abide by the laws stated here for access to this site. So you must refer to our terms and condition before you start accessing our site for loans.

Moreover, we also want you to know that if you don’t want to agree to our terms and conditions then you can simply make an exit from the site. This means you must stop browsing our site. For general details about loans and for a comparative study of the rates of long-term loans our site can be accessed. Make sure you furnish details in your application so that matching offers can be obtained for you.

12 month loans keep updating our terms and conditions with time. So, whenever you visit our site, you must review the terms and conditions page which might have been amended by us


12 month loans also advise its borrowers to patiently go through our privacy policy. He or she will be able to establish facts related to collection, sharing, and protection of his or her details which he or she has added to his or her online form.

Online mode of communication:

By applying online here at 12 month loans you will agree to be contacted online by us. This means we will get in touch with you using the online mode which could be via mail or etc. So, we can contact you online to inform you about changes made on this site or about any product and services, etc.

Copyright and trademark notices:

Images, illustrations, written contents, video clips, audio clips, icons, photographs, logo, button icons, trademarks, etc that have been included in our site solely remain our intellectual property. In any case, the content of this site should not be copied, modified, published, displayed, transmitted, distributed, sold, etc. The only thing you can do is can refer to all those details for knowledge gathering.